Obtaining rest for both body and mind inside our busy everyday lives is a must at day's end and of all the rooms in our house the bedroom is best suited for this purpose. I am sure that you want to be in a place where you can be alone in your head, relax and rest without something disturbing you. The atmosphere of a bedroom can be produced much more relaxing by your choice of decor and furnishings. If this is the way it is, you will always want to go to your bedroom and let all your worries evaporate. There is a connection between how great we feel and the aura of any room we are in. If your bedroom is too messy and crowded with unnecessary things, research shows that your state of mind is affected which can in turn affect your mood. From the beginning you need to make an effort to produce a comforting room and preserve it's calming properties.

To start with, you must know what hues, finishes and images will keep you comfy and content inside your bedroom. Colors which are agreeable and pacifying are going to have a big power on mood as soon as you enter a room so take care to choose these wisely. Normally, lighter shades create a vibrant room atmosphere while dark-colored shades tend to be more tranquil but choosing what's best for you will depend on your personality. To produce a bedroom that feels snug and secure try browns, russet or tawny colors; to create a tranquil room then blues and greens are a good choice. Low emotions and rooms with plenty of red paint on the walls don't go well together. Many experts have discovered that your stress levels are not lessened by being in such a room and if anything you may feel worse!.

Sense of touch in the bedroom also plays a key role in the overall ambience of your bedroom. Soft cushions, comforters, stuffed toys and other soft items will help foster comfort and relaxation. Bedroom lights can have a striking effect on the general atmosphere of your room. It improves the space and mood of your bed room. A dimmer device enables you to control the tone of the room. You can adjust the brightness to something that suits your mood during the day or night.

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We should not neglect the sense of smell because scents and odors literally customize the atmosphere of a bedroom and can impart different feelings. Certain smells are comforting to the senses and foster relaxation and a feeling of wellbeing unlike the irritation of not being able to locate the source of a bad smell in a room. There are a variety ways of adding pleasing scents into a room and you could try joss sticks, scented candles or a slow release electronic device to enhance the mood of your bedroom

Creating your own relaxing bedroom is fun and the end result can be a friendly, serene place to be cocooned from worries and anxieties or somewhere to totally wind down and then get off to sleep. If you dedicate some time and effort in creating a truly relaxing bedroom, you're going to sleep soundly and have pleasant dreams, knowing that you are in a safe and enjoyable place. If this is something you desire, try to endeavor to create a place that will promote relaxation and leave you feeling full of energy.